Round 17 Result.
Kate's, Castlerea 1-6 Flanagan's, Castleplunkett. (6-20).
Round 18 Results.
Flanagan's, Castleplunkett 5-2 Hollywood Bar, Roscommon. (19-6).
Spell's, Ballaghaderreen 7-0Tower Bar, Elphin. (21-1).
Creaton's, Loughlynn 3-4 Widow Pat's, Knockcroghery. (13-12).
Round 11 Fixture. Wednesday 10th March.
Creaton's, Loughlynn v Kate's, Caslterea. (-).
Round 18 Fixture. Friday 12th March.
McDermott's, Ballinaheglish v Kate's, Castlerea.
Semi-Finals fixed for Friday the 19th of March and 26th of March with a provisional date of Saturday the 3rd of April set for the Finals.